Committed to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the people of Israel, the love of Yeshua is represented in word and deed.  Eime ministry is based in Christ's Church near Jaffa Gate in the old city of Jerusalem.  They work with Jews and Gentiles teaching them the Word of G-d, as well as provide support in education, emergency food relief and financial aid.  A staff of Jewish and Arab believers carries out this important work while spreading the good news of Yeshua's salvation.

Aaron and Michelle Eime serve in CJM's Jerusalem location.  Their goals above also include teaching Gentiles Scripture with a Messianic perspective and proclaiming the return of the King.


This evangelistic ministry based in greater Los Angeles reaches out to the Jewish community.  It educates and equips the contemporary Church in better relating to Jewish people and traditions by educating, authoring, storytelling and teaching.



Tents of Mercy is a network of five Russian-speaking Messianic Jewish congregations headquartered in the Haifa bay area of Israel.  Their main focus is assisting the thousands of new Russian Jewish immigrants adapt to life in Israel -- and through this spread the truth of Yeshua.

This ministry also provides humanitarian aid, pro-life counseling, social outreach, drug rehabilitation, aid to wounded soldiers and Holocaust survivors.  Tents of Mercy has also established 5 Messianic congregations in Israel and promotes forming home based congregations.

BELARUS MINISTRY chevra - eastern europe

This ministry based in neighboring Poland is reaching and serving the Jewish poor, elderly, and indigent young families in Belarus-Eastern Europe with food, clothing, medicines, and the truth about their Messiah Yeshua.  They also assist with immigration services to Israel.  This effort is bravely led by Viola Szczepocka and four female volunteers in a nation oppressed by a heavy-handed government that prevents gatherings in large groups or in homes to worship or share the good news.


In concerts, recordings and printed media, Sally Klein O'Connor's stories and songs bring healing to many broken hearts.  The ongoing and successful Tour of the Roses effort has brought Yeshua's healing and comfort to many who are hurting and need Yeshua's salvation, including Holocaust survivors.



Devar Emet Messianic Jewish Outreach focuses on reaching Jewish youth about the Word of Truth and Yeshua.  Rabbi Kirk Gliebe and wife Carla started this ministry in 1996 in a large Jewish community north of Chicago with the goal of equipping and assisting committed Jewish followers of Yeshua in their own personal outreach efforts.


Ira and Gloria Brawer work closely with believers through workshops that address problems and dismantle their root causes, allowing people new freedom in an intimate relationship with G-d and others, significantly changing lives for the better in the process.  New roots have been established in Israel, bringing this healing ministry to believers there.

mordechai Wiseman

New believers in Messiah are often met with the loss of their jobs and families. Israel FirstFruits seeks to help the Messianic community through their vision...

To see the Body of Messiah in Israel flourish and prosper, fulfilling its mandate to bless Israeli society and the nations through:

  • God-honoring professionals
  • Thriving “kingdom businesses”
  • Economic transformation