Our mission is to become an equipping center, which trains people

to be disciples of Yeshua [Jesus].

We purpose to:

  • WORSHIP THE L-RD through the culture of Biblical Judaism and when applicable, incorporate practices from traditional Judaism.  Above all, we want our Worship to be YESHUA CENTERED.

  • ESTABLISH A NURTURING COMMUNITY OF FAITH - A congregational family where each person is encouraged to grow into maturity in the L-rd and serve according to his or her spiritual gifts.

  • RAISE AND MENTOR THE NEXT GENERATION of young people to follow Yeshua and to care deeply for G-d's restoration of Israel.

  • REACH OUT TO ALL PEOPLE WITH THE GOOD NEWS OF YESHUA, with special emphasis on the unaffiliated JEWISH COMMUNITY of greater Denver.

  • REACH OUT TO FELLOW BELIEVERS, teaching them the Hebraic roots of our faith and equipping them, sensitively, to share Yeshua with their Jewish friends.