March 29, 2025

Adar 29, 5785


Torah: Exodus 38:21-40:38

Haftarah: I Kings 7:51-8:21

Brit Chadashah (New Testament): I Corinthians 3:16-17

You Are a Temple in Whom G‑d Dwells

      The Torah portion this week is called PekudeiPekudei can be translated as "the persons or things numbered or accounted for." Like all other Torah portions, the name of this portion comes from the first sentence (Exodus 38:21): “This is the sum of the Tabernacle, even of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, as it was counted, according to the commandment of Moses, for the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest.” Moses sums up all the offerings that were dedicated to the building of the Tabernacle (Mishkan). 

      The Mishkan was assembled as the L‑rd had shown Moses on Mount Sinai. The curtains were assembled for the sides, and the badger’s skins for the covering of the Mishkan. The boards were fastened together and the veil, which was before the Holy of Holies (Kodesh Hakodashim), was finished with the cherubim (angels) embroidered upon it. 

      Bezalel and Oholiab finished the Ark of the Testimony and the priests' garments as Moses had commanded. On top of the Ark sat the Mercy Seat. The Mercy Seat was a golden lid to which golden cherubim were attached.  

       When the Mishkan was finished, the Glory of the L‑rd appeared and covered the Tent of Meeting, so that neither Moses nor the Priests could enter in.

      The Haftarah portion for this week is I Kings 7:51-8:21. This is Solomon’s dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem. The only remaining portion of the Temple is the Western or the Wailing Wall, which was the southeast portion of the retaining wall. The Wailing Wall continues to be a place where both Jewish people and Gentiles come to pray. Solomon gathered all the Elders of Israel and the Priests for the dedication and restoration of the Ark back into the Kodesh Hakodashim.

      1 Corinthians 3:16-17 says, “Know you not that you are the temple of G‑d, and the Spirit of G‑d dwells in you? If any man defiles the temple of G‑d, him shall G‑d destroy; for the temple of G‑d is holy, which temple you are.”

       This is a very sobering and very meaningful concept that we would all do well to remember on a daily basis. We are vessels that He fills with His Presence, the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit). What manner of people should we be?

            “Holy unto You” is a song that we sing, in which we ask the L‑rd to transform us according to His moral character. We desire to grow in that holiness as we meditate on His Word and His calling for every one of those who have chosen to follow Him.