Our mission is to become an equipping center, which trains people
to be disciples of Yeshua [Jesus].
We purpose to:
WORSHIP THE L-RD through the culture of Biblical Judaism and when applicable, incorporate practices from traditional Judaism. Above all, we want our Worship to be YESHUA CENTERED.
ESTABLISH A NURTURING COMMUNITY OF FAITH - A congregational family where each person is encouraged to grow into maturity in the L-rd and serve according to his or her spiritual gifts.
RAISE AND MENTOR THE NEXT GENERATION of young people to follow Yeshua and to care deeply for G-d's restoration of Israel.
REACH OUT TO ALL PEOPLE WITH THE GOOD NEWS OF YESHUA, with special emphasis on the unaffiliated JEWISH COMMUNITY of greater Denver.
REACH OUT TO FELLOW BELIEVERS, teaching them the Hebraic roots of our faith and equipping them, sensitively, to share Yeshua with their Jewish friends.